Answer by bcoulier for Persisting Subproblem Infeasibility Benders Decomposition
After some trial and error, I fixed the following two problems:Problem 1: the formulation provided here is indeed correct as mentioned above, but I forgot to add bounds on the variables $P_{ij}$ and...
View ArticleAnswer by prubin for Persisting Subproblem Infeasibility Benders Decomposition
Disclaimer #1: I did not check your formulation of the dual problem and the Benders cut carefully. It looks plausible, but the density of the notation made my eyes water.Disclaimer #2: I'm not a JuMP...
View ArticlePersisting Subproblem Infeasibility Benders Decomposition
I'm currently working on an optimization problem where I'm using Benders decomposition to solve a complex problem involving the installation of charging stations. The master problem determines the...
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